doctor said he was amazed at how well I was doing after such a difficult
operation. I eat well, I drink well, I sleep well (well duh!), I wee well, I
poo well! Mum and Dad thought they’d
just the lampshade. Yeah yeah, very funny, the IKEA joke. The lampshade is
quite annoying but I have to wear it for 2 weeks. It’s got something to do with
that guy called Willy again. Apparently he’s still around but the doctor said it
was not that bad.
this is the best news: remember there was one more factor determining how much
time I’ve got left? The hypercalcemia???? (If you can’t remember, read the
first post of my blog). Tadaaaaa: it is gone! The hypercalcemia is gone!!! I am
gonna live forever!!!!
am still very groggy though. I have to take a lot of medication. So I am gonna
leave you for now and take a nap.
week I have a check-up with the vet in Antwerp and 2 weeks from now, I see my
surgeon again. He’s good.

He believed in me when everyone else thought I was finished! Apart from Mum and Dad. Mum and Dad never believed I was finished…

He believed in me when everyone else thought I was finished! Apart from Mum and Dad. Mum and Dad never believed I was finished…
also have to see the chemo guy. Don’t know what that’s gonna be like but if it
makes me better, then I’m in!
off for a big snooze now… catch you later guys!