Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Pumpkin soup and walks in the park

I am Charlie and I have cancer. I don’t really know what that means but I do know that it comes with lots of walkies and pumpkin soup. I love walkies. And I never get pumpkin soup!

Apparently my medical adventure is going to cost some money. But Mum and Dad love me very much, and the doctor thought he could patch me up, so they are prepared to go for it. In return I decided to give Mum and Dad a bit of help with their renovations.

I wanted it to be a surprise so I waited till they had gone to bed and then I started. 

I would normally never chew on anything, you have to believe that. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

I started by chewing up the carpet and the door mat. I carefully tore them up in small pieces. All Mum had to do in the morning was put them in the bin. I think she was quite pleased with that!

Then I had a good go at stripping the paint off the door. That was tough. It wouldn’t come off easily but I kept going! Whatever I can get off, they won’t have to do anymore.

Then I tried to pull the door frames off the wall. That wasn’t easy either. I think we’ll need to call in the builders for that. I’ll have to discuss with Mum and Dad.

Mum and Dad’s reaction to my work was a bit funny. Maybe it was the wee that I did in the house. I am so thirsty with this cancer. I had a lot to drink. Or maybe they had expected a bit more from me but I did work all night. I mean ALL NIGHT. I was knackered! There’s only so much one can do in a night.

Anyway, that was yesterday.

Today, I had a very nice day. Lots of walks in the park. I even got to swim. I was allowed off the lead and I ran around like there is no tomorrow. I have to bear in mind now that there might not be another tomorrow.

I am on a special diet for a while because I am very, very constipated. Apparently that’s also the cancer. 

Tomorrow, I am not allowed to eat at all, apart from pumpkin soup. Don't know how that's gonna go, but I luuurrrvvv pumpkin soup. So fine by me!

On Friday, Mum is driving me to the hospital in Ghent at 8 AM. The hospital people are so nice. They cuddle A LOT. Mummy promised me they’d fix me… and I believe her.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlie. You don't know me, but i am Hugo and i know your Mum from cello playing. I'm sure there will be many more wonderfull tomorrows for you because your Mum and Dad are going to take care of you. You are really blessed with them. Good luck in hospital and keep us posted about your adventures! I'll be following the stories ... will be sad with you when you are ... and will be happy when you are.
